Russell Stover Wedding Cake Egg: Here Comes the Bride
When a flavor fad in the snack food world takes off, there's no stopping it. We're not sure when the first snack food was flavored 'birthday cake,' but it seems like we're seeing birthday cake flavored snacks pop up left and right. We've even featured Birthday Cake Oreo, Birthday Cake M&M's, and Party Cake Peeps right here on Snaxtime.
It's refreshing to see Russell Stover think outside the box with their new Easter themed Wedding Cake Egg which combines super moist and velvety 'wedding cake' with dense, creamy white chocolate. The taste is really sinful and satisfying and recalls beautifully the flavors of an elegant white wedding cake covered in silky vanilla buttercream and sugary fondant icing.
Russell Stover also makes Birthday Cake, Red Velvet and Carrot Cake Eggs and all three are just as delicious as the Wedding Cake Egg. The Birthday Cake Egg in particular may even be the most delightful with it's rich chocolate coating and festive, colorful sprinkles. But an innovative easter egg that's flavored wedding cake is like a bride on her wedding day; all eyes are on her.